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The 2nd BCSR Impact Forum re-introduces the role of CSR as a powerful, effective, sustainability transformation and resilience policy making tool of Building Private-Public, Third Sector and Fourth Sector* Partnerships that respond to the 21st Century’s Global Challenges. On that, History of Humanity has both best practices on resilience as well as lessons to learn.

THE IDEA GUY will design a pre-conference challenge to facilitate ideation, collaboration and selection of the best ideas we collectively think can provide impact. During the conference, participants will advance these ideas into prototypes that demonstrate the application for further consideration.

“I am confident that Beyond CSR attendees are capable of making global impact. The challenge is aligning them, at the same time, on a single issue to actually do something – to get something done.” – The Idea Guy

The 2nd BCSR Impact Forum brings together experts and stakeholders from the top international organisations, academia, media, corporations the third sector and the fourth sector, from diverse backgrounds and complementary expertise to a high-level consultation with the goal to produce Joint Policy Paper (incl. Guidelines, Recommendations, Road Maps) that introduces a new framework for Best Practices based on CSR and SDGs context.
Τhe Forum will also host interactive Labs, in order to optimise its works and the Policy paper to be produced.